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Demystifying Payroll Software

Blog post by Christian Fässler

Humans as creatures of habit

In the past, the horse was the number one form of transport. There were enduring and less enduring, faster and less fast horses.

Henry Ford is reported to have said at the time, "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said 'faster horses'." With the approach of lighter horseshoes or animal doping, the first automobile would hardly have been invented.

It took a radical separation from the existing thinking of the movement industry.

With the breakthrough of the automobile, most of the farriers disappeared. Other skills were needed as a whole new industry was created with a variety of job titles - designer, engineer, mechanic, repairer, refiner, petrol station attendant, road builder, traffic controller, etc.

As in the automotive industry, there will also be progress in payroll processing

In the new age the job profiles will change again with the trend towards the (self-driving) electric car and sharing concept.

Horses in the Payroll Industry

Payroll software companies are meeting the requirements and demands of legislators with new functions and features.

For the end user of the software, this means even more manuals to read and even more user courses to complete. Maintenance is becoming more and more expensive.

It has come to a point where leading software companies, whose products are also used by large payroll providers, can essentially only be operated and maintained by a very small number of specialists.

Special cases are common at the daily business front. An additional specialist is then needed to provide security and reliability. Errors in processing can ultimately have expensive consequences. The hours billed by the external specialists are also expensive.

This is how an entire industry (not creating any value for the enterprises) grew up with various support services. However, the entrepreneur has no other choice but to deal with this situation and its costs.

SAP as the «outrider»

In the 1970s, SAP succeeded in using computers to process large amounts of data in real time. Processing on databases was revolutionary at the time and crowned with great success worldwide. Nevertheless, nothing new has come to the core since 1995.

Current efforts by various start-ups with beautiful frontends have not been able to seriously challenge SAP, as the depth (possible adaptability) is usually almost completely lacking. This despite massive investments in HRTech:

The need for innovation and new technologies seems to be there based on the considerable sums of investment.

Towards the Payroll Highway

In recent years, Ason has not built on the traditional approach, but has built innovation on a greenfield basis using a new technological model. (See blog Do you speak "Payroll"?). As a result, Ason has succeeded in building a solution that demystifies payroll software as well as its maintenance - and clears the way for end-to-end industrialisation.

Are the golden days of the "old payroll riders" numbered and will a new era soon start in the payroll industry? It will be very exciting to see what new business scenarios and thus new professions will result from this.

Ason is right in the middle of it and keeps you up to date 🙂

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